
The Leeuwarder Student Field Football Championship will be played according to the official KNVB regulations, with the exception of those deviating from the regulations below.

Tournament Regulations
  • Each team consists entirely of students. The LSV organization will check for this by asking for your college card if needed. So bring it with you to the tournament. The LSV organization reserves the right to allow exceptions. One dispensation player is allowed, this must be reported to the tournament organization in advance.

  • Matches are played on half fields, the teams will play 7 against 7. The team named first in the game schedule has the kickoff. The playing time is 15 minutes per game. The game will be ended by the blow of the whistle. There will be no changing of halves.

  • The men's competition consists of men's teams and mixed teams. Assuming maximum occupancy, the teams are divided into eight pools of four. A half competition is completed and each team thus plays each other once. The numbers 1 and 2 of each pool qualify for the winners' round. Teams are again divided into pools of 4 and again work through half a competition. After these pool matches, all numbers 1 of the winner's round qualify for the semifinals. Now follows the so-called knockout rounds until the finals.

  • The teams are, assuming maximum occupancy, divided into two pools of four teams. Teams work a half competition and each team thus plays against each other once. After this series of matches, the so-called knockout phase takes place. These matches are assigned crosswise until the finals.

  • - Each team consists of six field players, a goalkeeper and any substitutes

    - There will be no offside

    - During the tournament, sliding is prohibited. A sliding tackle will be penalized with a direct free kick in favor of the opponent

    - The goalkeeper is not allowed to take in the hands with the foot played return balls and throw-ins. A direct free kick is the consequence in case of infringement

    - If the ball crosses the sideline, the ball will be brought back into the field by a throw-in

    - The goalkeeper brings the ball back into play in the event of a back ball by means of a throw-in/roll-in

    - The goalkeeper is not allowed to shoot the ball away from the hands, as well as throwing it in to yourself and then shooting it out

    - The ranking in the pool is obtained by the sum of the points obtained. A win gives 3 points, a draw 1 point, and a loss 0 points.

    - When in a pool two or more teams have obtained an equal number of points, the placement shall be as follows:

    (a) Goal difference
    (b) Most goals scored
    (c) The result of the match(s) obtained by the teams involved against each other
    (d) If the group final score is still tied then penalty kicks will be taken. First a series of 3 penalty kicks per team by 3 different players. If no decision is reached after this, alternating penalty kicks will be taken by players who did not take any penalty kicks in the first series until a decision is reached. If each player on the team has taken a penalty kick then the players may take a penalty kick for a second time until a decision is reached. These provisions also apply if the final matches have not been decided after regular playing time
    (e) Penalty kicks are taken right in front of the goal from the circle line of the goal area.


  • During games, substitutions may be made on a continuous basis. However, the substitution must be clearly indicated. There is no maximum number of players to be substituted. It is not allowed for one player to participate in multiple teams without notifying the tournament committee in advance. A player caught playing on multiple teams may be excluded for the remainder of the tournament. The tournament committee may also decide to declare the match in question.

  • Each team must be present at the respective playing field well before the start of the scheduled match. If a team is not present after 5 minutes, this team will automatically lose the match 3-0. Missing 1 or more games without acceptable excuse may result in disqualification. In exceptional cases, the tournament committee may decide to convert an unplayed match into a 3-0 victory for the aggrieved team. All results obtained against a disqualified team or a team withdrawn in the interim will be annulled and therefore not included in the final standings.

  • Referees will be appointed by SC Leovardia. Most referees are officially recognized and referee under license of the KNVB.

  • During the tournament, the referees will use the so-called five-minute penalty rule at games. For a coarse violation, a player may be sent off the field for five minutes. A player who is permanently sent off the field is excluded from further participation in the match. The tournament committee will determine, based on the severity of the offense, whether the player may continue to participate in the tournament. Insulting, intimidating or other offensive things towards referees may mean exclusion from the tournament for a player or even the team. If a game is suspended due to disturbances by one of the teams, the tournament committee will be consulted after the game is suspended. The committee, together with the relevant referee, will initially determine the punishment and communicate this to the captains of both teams.

  • When the referee decides that the match apparel of both sides are too similar, the team named first in the match program is obliged to change apparel. The respective team can pick up vests from the field coordinator of the respective field. It is recommended to wear soccer shoes and shinguards.

  • Every participant must be insured in the broadest sense of the word (e.g. in case of emergencies, accidents, theft, etc.). The tournament committee cannot be held liable for the above mentioned calamities, accidents, theft, etc. nor for any inconvenience that may befall any participant.

  • Participants are not allowed to consume/use alcohol and/or drugs during the tournament. This is not only the request of the tournament committee and SC Leovardia, but also of the referees. If a player is caught consuming alcohol and/or drugs, that player will be sent off the field and will be excluded from further participation in the tournament. Referees are required to do so. Also, these rules have been established for the safety of all participants. It is not allowed to bring alcohol/drugs onto the field. This will be confiscated.

  • A team may file a protest with the tournament committee within 15 minutes of the end of the game. The tournament committee will consider this and render a binding ruling, which is not subject to further appeal.

  • In cases not covered by these rules, the tournament committee will decide. This decision cannot be appealed.

  • During this event photos and videos will be made, when participating you automatically agree to this.

  • You can cancel your registration and receive a refund if you do so before registrations close. After the registration closing date, cancellation is not possible and you will not receive a refund.